
Sunday, 3 March 2019

D365 CE - Quote Revise Approach and Error Troubleshooting - The quote cannot be revised because it is not in closed state.

I have recently faced an error while revising an active quote using ReviseQuoteRequest action via plugin/workflow. Below is the error message

"The quote cannot be revised because it is not in closed state. If you contact support, please provide the technical details."

Root Cause
Its due to the state of Quote. Only the quotes in closed state can be revised, if we are trying to revise a quote in a different state, then its going to error out with above message.

  1. First change the Quote status to Closed(Won/Lost/Cancelled). 
  2. Then execute the ReviseQuoteAction which would result in new revised Quote as expected
You can read how to implement the above revise quote with a workflow here.

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